Bathroom Appliances name in English | List of Bathroom Appliances
Here you will see the List of Bathroom Appliances like Bath Mat, Bathrobe Hook, Bathroom Vanity, Bathtub, Bidet, Curtain, Faucet, etc. It helps you to learn more List of Bathroom Appliances. And also you can play quizzes with these words. It helps you to learn more words while playing.
List of Bathroom Appliances
Here is the List of Bathroom Appliances. You can get the synonyms, antonyms and rhyming words of every words below by clicking on them.
Bath Mat
Bathrobe Hook
Bathroom Vanity
Exhaust Fan
Foot scrubber
Grab bar
Hand Dryer
Seat riser
Shower Curtain
Shower Radio
Shower Shelf
Soap Dispenser
Toilet Seat
Towel rack